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What does Wollemi mean?

Written by Rachel, owner of Wollemi Counseling:


In 2016 my partner, son, and I relocated, for 10 months, to Melbourne, Australia. I was recovering from postpartum depression and trying to find myself again. I was so very inspired by the natural environment of the country, which lead me to learn about the Wollemi Pine Tree. This tree was thought to be extinct, and the only remnants of it were fossils. But in 1994 a bush-walker exploring a remote part of a national park found a tree he had never seen before. It was with this discovery that scientists were astonished that something thought to be extinct had been hidden and surviving for thousands of years. The name Wollemi comes from the language of the Aboriginal people of Australia meaning, "keep your eyes open and look around you."


This is the inspiration for our practice. Australia became my launching pad for self-discovery and finding myself again after motherhood. I became passionate about maternal mental health and started my training in perinatal mental health while in Australia. The Wollemi Pine is a reminder for all of us that when we think we've lost ourselves, we are still there, maybe hidden and dormant, but ultimately we are there and can be uncovered, ready to to thrive again. 

What makes us different?

As therapists we value our connection and relationship to all our clients. We understand that building trusting, therapeutically effective relationships means that we need to provide a safe and nonjudgmental space. We encourage our clients to offer honest feedback to us when we miss the mark.



We believe that accessibility to quality care is essential for all women and mothers. When potential clients are unable to be served by Wollemi, we offer a warm hand off referral process to other therapists that do meet the client's needs. 



We are not only therapists but advocates. We strive to advocate for our cliens by offering client consented consultation with other medical providers to ensure mental health considerations are client needs are examined and valued. These services are especially relevant during birth and postpartum periods.



We also understand the healing power of community, and are passionate about helping clients tap into their support systems, find their villages, and connect with activities in their community that will help bring symptom relief, confidence, and empowerment. While we work alongside clients in sessions, we also work outside of our sessions to find resources specific to your unique needs.



We offer a deep understanding of the challenges that face women and mothers, and offer a feminist-centric lens to our work. We believe that helping clients understand systems of oppression they have been impacted by can help to release unfair expectations, find their identities again - inside and outside of motherhood-, and build their village, which is vital to thriving through the transitions of life and motherhood.

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